
Archeologists find 800-year old mummy buried in underground tomb in Peru

Archeologists find 800-year old mummy buried in underground tomb in Peru
  • Published11월 28, 2021

Archaeologists have unearthed a mummy in an underground tomb in Peru estimated to be at least 800 years old.

Representative image | File photo of mummified remains of a Peruvian female ruler

Representative image | File photo of mummified remains of a Peruvian female ruler | Twitter @CyberPunkCortes

A team of experts has found a mummy estimated to be at least 800 years old on Peru’s central coast, one of the archaeologists who participated in the excavation said on Friday.

The mummified remains were of a person from the culture that developed between the coast and mountains of the South American country. The mummy, whose gender was not identified, was discovered in the Lima region, said archaeologist Pieter Van Dalen Luna.

“The main characteristic of the mummy is that the whole body was tied up by ropes and with the hands covering the face, which would be part of the local funeral pattern,” said Van Dalen Luna, from the State University of San Marcos.

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The remains are of a person who lived in the high Andean region of the country, he said. “Radiocarbon dating will give a more precise chronology.”

The mummy was found inside an underground structure found on the outskirts of the city of Lima. In the tomb were also offerings including ceramics, vegetable remains and stone tools, he said.

Peru – home to tourist destination Machu Picchu – is home to hundreds of archaeological sites from cultures that developed before and after the Inca Empire, which dominated the southern part of South America 500 years ago, from southern Ecuador and Colombia to central Chile.

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