
‘Dinosaur’ gets vaccinated in Malaysia, video will crack you up | Trending

‘Dinosaur’ gets vaccinated in Malaysia, video will crack you up | Trending
  • Published7월 16, 2021

A hilarious video has recently surfaced on the Internet that shows a ‘T-Rex’ entering a vaccination centre to get a jab. Wait… what? Don’t worry, the extinct species isn’t alive again. The adorable looking ‘creature’ is Instagram user Kenny Sia in a costume. He donned the costume to go and get vaccinated at a centre in Malaysia. And now, the video of him doing so has gone viral.

Sia shared the video with a funny caption. “Guide to Vaccination for Dinosaurs” he wrote. The little over two-minute-long video captures everything, from him entering the centre to getting out after getting vaccinated. What makes the video even more hilarious to watch is his witty way of narrating the events that includes comments like “Sanitise the paws” and “Resist urge to eat humans”.

We won’t give away much, so take a look at the video.

He also shared another Instagram post documenting his adventure.

People on both the posts shared all sorts of comments. While some had questions about the custom, others shared their desire to get vaccinated while wearing costumes.

Many questioned about the two masks wrapped around the T-Rex’s waist. Just like this individual who asked, “I love how you got your mask around the waistline! Are there some ventilating bits in the Dino suit?”. In reply, Sia shared, “Haha ya! That’s where the air gets in.”

“So cute,” wrote an Instagram user. “Thanks for cheering us up,” shared another. “Omg! Love this. Haha,” expressed a third.

What are your thoughts on the video?

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