
Dog Helps Woman Push Car Out Of Flooded Road In Heartwarming Video

Dog Helps Woman Push Car Out Of Flooded Road In Heartwarming Video
  • Published8월 11, 2021

Dog Helps Woman Push Car Out Of Flooded Road In Heartwarming Video

A dog came to the aid of his owner in pushing a car off a flooded road.

If you ever wondered why dogs are called man’s best friends, we recommend you watch the video that is taking the Internet by storm. It features a flooded road in Glasgow, a stranded car, a woman, and her dog. Making for wholesome content that most Internet users scout social media platforms for, the cute canine refused to be an inactive bystander as the woman struggled to push the vehicle. In a clip that has the Internet going “aww,” the dog is seen lending a very helpful paw —  or two — to his owner Lori Gillies as the duo pushed the vehicle down the heavily inundated street. 

The video of the clip was shared on Facebook by Lori Gillies, the proud owner of Puck, a springer spaniel. In the clip, Ms Gillies and Puck are seen circling around the car a few times as she communicated with the two women stuck inside the vehicle. After this, the duo trudged through the water, pushing the car to a drier area.

Sharing the video, Ms Gillies said, “It’s the commentary for me. The legend behind the video is a local dude called Davie Keel. Just doing a good deed helping this car and its owners get to drier land. Someone has filmed it and sent it to their pal, who sent it to my pal who sent it to me. Puck really is the best dog in the whole wide world,” acknowledging the hilarious voiceover by Mr Keel who praised Puck’s drive and enthusiasm. 

“Puck and I were out on our usual walk and there was a car that was stuck in the water. There were two women inside and I went down to give them a hand,” Ms Gillies was quoted as saying by Daily Record. She added that Puck was initially just swimming next to her. “I took my phone out to video him and then he started pushing it.”

Reacting to the video that the 33-year-old shared, users inundated the post with heart emoticons. One user named Lauren Smith said, “The dog was helping, I might cry.” 

“Check out the dog,” said another user named Grant Robo Son. A user named Lesley Shields even called Puck a “clever pooch.”

One user named Zoe Cowan wondered if their dog would do the same. “If I ever pass my test and am stuck in this situation Marley best help me,” the comment said. 

“Brilliant!” commented a user, Annette MacDonald.

Ms Gillies added that the dog was presented with an extra-large portion of dinner for his service. And we know that little Puck deserved all that and more.

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