
Follow these simple tips to prevent debit card fraud

Follow these simple tips to prevent debit card fraud
  • Published1월 26, 2022

Most of the bank account holders use ATM cards in India. Through this card, you can easily withdraw money whenever needed. In today’s digital era, shopping also is being done through ATM cards. On the one hand, many unprecedented changes are taking place in the field of digital payments. At the same time, there is also an increase in incidents related to banking fraud.

Over the years, many people fall prey to cybercrime and lose huge amounts of money from their accounts. Many such cases have come to the fore in which cyber fraudsters have targeted debit cardholders. If you also use a debit card, then you need to be careful. Your small mistake can cause a big loss. In such a situation, you should not make any mistakes even by forgetting while using the ATM/Debit card.

Do not write the ATM PIN number on your card

  • Often people write on the ATM card to remember the PIN number of the ATM card. Don’t forget to do this kind of mistake. This can cause you a big loss. If someone gets your ATM card can easily withdraw money from your account.

Do not share ATM card information with anyone

  • You should not share your ATM card information with any other person. Doing so may make you a victim of fraud. Due to this, your life’s earning deposits can be wiped out.

Do not use birthday, account number, phone number to generate PIN

  • You should never use your birthday, account and phone number to generate an ATM card PIN. While creating the PIN, choose such numbers, about which no one can easily find out.
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Withdraw money alone at ATM

  • Whenever you withdraw money from the ATM machine, at that time take special care that no other person is with you. If someone else is standing next to you, ask them to leave immediately.


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