
imran khan: ‘Aap ne Ghabrana nahi’, Pakistan embassy in Serbia takes dig at Imran Khan; account hacked claims govt | India News

imran khan: ‘Aap ne Ghabrana nahi’, Pakistan embassy in Serbia takes dig at Imran Khan; account hacked claims govt | India News
  • Published12월 3, 2021
NEW DELHI: In an embarassment for the Imran Khan government in Pakistan, a video that ridiculed its policies and lamented the sky-rocketing inflation in the neighbouring country was posted on the social media by a verified Twitter handle of the country’s mission in Serbia.
The tweet also mentions that staffers of the embassy had not been paid for months.
“With inflation breaking all previous records, how long do you expect @ImranKhanPTI that we goverment official will remain silent & keep working for you without been paid for past 3 months & our children been forced out of school due to non payment of fees Is this #NayaPakistan ?,” the tweet said.
It soon went viral.
Apart from the above text, the social media post featured a song – ‘Aap ne ghabrana nahi’. The lyrics of the song claimed that even as the country faced poverty, hunger and hardship in the day-to-day life, the government has been asking the people to simply not worry.

There is a young bearded person who seems to be humming the song and visuals of Imran Khan saying ‘Aap ne ghabrana nahi’ (Don’t worry under any circumstance) in the accompanying video.
In a second tweet, the person who posted the video also makes an apology but says he was left with no choice. “I am sorry @ImranKhanPTI, am not left with another option,” the person said.
Pakistan has been facing financial troubles and inflation has been galloping in recent times. The Imran Khan government has been facing opposition heat on the state of affairs.
The tweets were deleted later and the Pakistan government claimed the Twitter account was hacked.

“The Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts of the Embassy of Pakistan in Serbia have been hacked. Messages being posted on these accounts are not from the Embassy of Pakistan in Serbia,” the Pakistan government claimed.

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