
In Indonesia, man following Google Maps almost marries wrong woman

In Indonesia, man following Google Maps almost marries wrong woman
  • Published4월 11, 2021

The reliance on technology is increasing day by day. From menial tasks, to big data crunching, technology is helping people in every way. But sometimes, too much reliance on technology can prove to be costly as well as embarrassing.

A groom-to-be in Indonesia suffered embarrassment when Google Maps, one of the most popular apps used by thousands of commuters across the globe, landed at the wrong house and almost married the wrong woman.

The unique goof-up happened on Sunday, local media reported. Coincidently, the location which the groom’s family went to was in the same village where they were supposed to get married, according to Tribunnews.

The bride, Ulfa, also didn’t realise that the wrong man had entered her house as she was busy getting ready for the event, according to local media reports. Her family welcomed the wrong groom and not just that, they also exchanged gifts at the event.

But this was an engagement function and the groom’s family soon realised their mistake. They apologised to the girl’s family who directed the boy and the procession to the correct address. To add to the confusion, Ulfa’s would-be groom was also late as his family members stopped along the way looking for a toilet.

Google Maps is one of the best navigational platforms available online, but issues keep cropping up in every few months. Last year, a man in a village in Tamil Nadu filed a complaint at the local police station for showing places that he has never been to in its timeline.

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The timeline feature is based on points of interest and the accuracy of the feature is according to the nearest places visited. This means that the feature may not always depict the exact location that a user might have visited.

The issue led to marital troubles as the wife of 49-year-old R Chandrasekhar started questioning him regularly about his whereabouts. This in turn led to emotional troubles and familial problems.

Chandrasekhar said that his wife believes Google over anything else. So he filed the complaint seeking justice. The police later called the couple for counselling.

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