
Man saves mama turtle’s unborn babies by performing C-section. Read wholesome story | Trending

Man saves mama turtle’s unborn babies by performing C-section. Read wholesome story | Trending
  • Published8월 4, 2021

“Beautiful. The part where you do the c-section (wowww) and the hatchlings peeking out of the egg are the best in the story. Makes my day,” commented a Twitter user.

By Srimoyee Chowdhury

PUBLISHED ON AUG 03, 2021 02:15 PM IST

Some stories on the Internet are enough to leave one misty-eyed and this Twitter thread detailing how a man was able to save the off springs of a mama turtle is a perfect example of that. Shared on Twitter by Eric C Martens, the story is a must-read and do keep some tissues handy while reading it.

“This story starts sad but has a happy ending: In early June I got out of my car coming home from work to help a turtle cross the road in our neighborhood, only to find that a careless driver had already hit and killed her,” reads the caption of the first tweet. The thread goes on to describe how Martens took the mama turtle to his home and performed a C-section to save her eggs.

“I brought her home, did a secondary euthanasia just to be sure and then my best attempt at a turtle C-section, which revealed 7 perfect eggs,” it adds.

The post further goes on to reveal how the mama turtle probably came out from the waterbody to search for a safe place to lay her eggs. Martens expresses how he put the seven eggs in incubation and the eggs started hatching on August 2.

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Cue your ‘aww’s and take a look at the tiny turtles:

Since being shared, the post has amassed over 7,000 likes and many reactions. People loved the happy ending of the story and thanked Martens for taking such good care of the baby turtles. “Heartwarming story, many thanks for sharing!” wrote a Twitter user. “Beautiful. The part where you do the c-section (wowww) and the hatchlings peeking out of the egg are the best in the story. Makes my day,” commented another.

What are your thoughts on this thread?


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