
NMAT 2022: GMAC announces additional registration window, exam in January

NMAT 2022: GMAC announces additional registration window, exam in January
  • Published12월 29, 2021

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) has announced the additional registration window for the NMAT from January 3 until January 9, 2022. Candidates can log on to to register for the exam.

The management test will be conducted from January 11 to 15, 2022. Candidates who have used all three attempts for the NMAT by GMAC exam for the testing year July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022 cannot register for the additional window. This means the candidates who have taken the main attempt as well as the two re-takes, cannot avail the opportunity.

The exam slots are limited and are on a first-come-first-serve basis only. The exam will be available at limited test centres and exam slots in the online proctored exams at home will be available on certain dates within the testing period.

Gaurav Srivastava, regional director, South Asia, GMAC said, “We are confident that this additional window of the NMAT by GMAC exam will assist students who have missed taking the test earlier as well as schools that have extended their applications deadline.”

Candidates, who already have an account but could not register earlier, can use their existing account and complete the registration. There is no need to create a new account. The registration fee will be Rs 2300 plus taxes for the main attempt or retake attempt.

Candidates can choose their preferred exam mode for both the exams at the test centre and the online proctored exam at home option. However, exams will be available at limited test centres and exam slots in the online proctored exams at home will be available on certain dates within the testing period.

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