
Seal with plastic ring round neck rescued | Famous seal with plastic ring on its neck for years is finally rescued, pictures surface

Seal with plastic ring round neck rescued | Famous seal with plastic ring on its neck for years is finally rescued, pictures surface
  • Published4월 8, 2021

Friends of Horsey Seals

Friends of Horsey Seals&nbsp | &nbspPhoto Credit:&nbspFacebook

Mrs Vicar is a horsey seal who over the years became one of the most popular seals in the world because of an object that was attached to her neck.

The grey adult seal was first spotted off the Norfolk coast around two years ago with a white plastic disc stuck to its neck. The disc started cutting into her neck as her size grew.

But now, the disc has finally been cut off from her neck after two years.

According to a report by, a vet at RSPCA’s East Winch Wildlife Centre cut the disc off her neck, following which the staff has been taking care of her. The doctors saw the ring had made a 7-cm deep wound in her neck which had become infected.

“I’m so grateful she’s now been rescued and we can care for her. She is very quiet this morning and her wound is very sore with a bad smell but we are hopeful she will recover. We can start giving her the salty baths she needs to help her neck wound recover soon,” Alison Charles, manager at RSPCA East Winch, was quoted as saying by

She added that 25 kg bags of salt were being added to the seal’s bathwater until her neck began to granulate.

“This is the healing process when you cannot debride (remove damaged tissue) and stitch a wound. It’s so infuriating knowing that this injury could have been prevented,” said Alison.

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The care centre is now hoping that Mrs Vicar will be strong enough to recover from her injuries. 

Friends of Horsey Seals posted pictures of the rescue on their Facebook page. The organisation’s chairman, Peter Ansell said that she got her name due to the ring around her neck.

“Appropriately nicknamed Mrs Vicar she was rescued two and a half years after she was first seen. Her injuries were so horrible that our team immediately took her to the RSPCA Hospital at East Winch,” Friends of Horsey Seals wrote on Facebook.

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