
Two young bears spotted roaming around mall in Tennessee, USA. ‘Checking movie timings,’ say netizens | Trending

Two young bears spotted roaming around mall in Tennessee, USA. ‘Checking movie timings,’ say netizens | Trending
  • Published7월 27, 2021

The recording captured a young black bear roaming around the mall premises while trying to find something.

By Srimoyee Chowdhury

PUBLISHED ON JUL 26, 2021 04:45 PM IST

A mall in Tennessee, USA has recently shared two clips showing two black bears roaming around the mall area in a curious manner. Shared on Facebook, the College Square Mall shared the videos and detailed how one of the bears were seen hanging in front of some stores of the mall. The clips have garnered much attention from netizens.

“Check out our visitor this morning looking for showtimes of Space Jam at AMC College Square 12! In all seriousness, please be cognizant of two bears in our area. Do not approach or feed the bears,” the mall authorities mentioned in the caption of the first video. The recording captured a young black bear roaming around the mall premises while trying to find something. The clip has racked up over 65,000 views.

Check it out

Another clip was shared by the mall’s Facebook account that captured one of the bears peeking through the glass doors. The video was captured by an onlooker identified as Beverly Robeson-Brooks.

Here’s the video:

Both the clips have amassed many comments as people were surprised to see the animals roaming around the premises. While some enquired of more updates about the bears, others shared posts of awareness about being safe around bears.

“Aww it’s a baby bear,”: wrote a Facebook user under one of the clips. “It probably smelled popcorn and wanted some,” commented another.

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